The Journey: A Voyage 《信约 唐山到南洋》

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About The Journey (A Trilogy)
The Journey is a story about Singapore told through the lives of different generations of Singaporeans through the years, over the country’s almost one century of history. The story is told in three parts, spread across three years wrapping at the end of 2015 (year of the Nation’s 50th birthday):

Part 1 of Trilogy: A Voyage (31 episodes)
About the human spirit in Singaporeans of the past, specifically in the 1920s through the 1930s. At a time when many people’s main aims in life were survival, a group of youngsters travelled the seas to come to Singapore’s shores in search of a better life for themselves and their loved ones. Whether intentional of otherwise, they will ultimately settle down in this country known as Singapore, sink their roots and lay the foundation for their descendants.
The serial offers glimpses of what it was like in Singapore circa the 1920s. Through the stories of three young men, each of a different background and with different forms of motivation, Voyage aims at inspiring viewers with the characters’ hunger for survival and grit in overcoming adversities without lamentation. All these through the melodrama that unfolds.

Part 2 of Trilogy: Tumultuous Times (30 episodes)
World War II was a period of turmoil to many Singaporeans. Innocent were killed and times were hard during the Japanese Occupation. Through the adversity, the survival instinct only became stronger.
When the colonialists returned, stirrings of dissent became increasingly apparent. The people of Malaya wanted self-governance but in this period of uncertainty, there were vastly different ideals and convictions how independence can be achieved. This led to chaos and it was through much hardship that independence was achieved.
The Journey: Tumultuous Times is the story of 5 young people unraveled over a period of 20 tumultuous years in Singapore’s history as the country strove towards and finally gained independence.

Part 3 of Trilogy: Our Homeland (30 episodes)
Post-independence, the country continued to grapple with teething problems in the initial stages, as policies were introduced. Through difficult times, Singapore faced the challenges and moved on.
These are experienced through the characters in the story, who grew with the Nation.



在《动荡的年代》中,大家可以透过5个人的故事,随着历史巨轮,从年轻到壮年,最后 见证新加坡独立。


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Episode 21
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Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26

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Disclosed 《揭秘》

Following are links of Disclosed 《揭秘》 from xinmsn.
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‘Disclosed’ revolves around a group of Public Relations (PR) specialists who helps high society clients perform damage control and maintain a favourable image. The team is led by computer forensic expert, Wen Chang Yu (Huang Teng Hao), who is highly intelligent and will resort to all means to crack a case. He looks like an optimist but he is actually bothered by a secret until he meets righteous Kuang Yun Xiang (Jesseca Liu). Bound by a superior-subordinate relationship, because of their differences in opinions, Chang Yu and Yun Xiang will often bicker with each other. Gradually, they fall in love. ‘Disclosed’ is a concept derived from true accounts of social media cases involving Internet fraud and cybercrimes, where a secret is never a secret as long as social media exist. Each case will cover 2 to 3 thrilling episodes.
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Episode 14
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Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20

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Gonna Make It! 《小小传奇》

Following are links of Gonna Make It! 《小小传奇》 from xinmsn.
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Su Xiaoxiao was born in a single-parent family. After giving birth to her at 18 years old, her mother abandoned her in the care of her maternal grandparents. She never knew who her father was.

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Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20

Sudden 《骤变》

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Fang Qiliang feels a rush of blood to his head followed by a splitting pain. He attempts to open his eyes and in his daze, he sees blurry wisps of smoke floating like fine snowflakes. He finds himself strapped tightly in the overturned car by the seat belt after a major hit by a huge lorry.
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Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20

National Day Message 2013(国庆献词2013)

Following are links of National Day Message 2013(国庆献词2013) from xinmsn.
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National Day Rally 2013: Part 1 (2013国庆献词第1部分)
National Day Rally 2013: Part 2 (2013国庆献词第2部分)

The Enchanted 《浴女图》

Following are links of The Enchanted 《浴女图》 from xinmsn.
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Qian Jiayi, a rich man’s daughter, returns from overseas studies in the UK. She organizes a trip to an outer island, with her old classmates Qi Mingxing, Bai Xuena, Chen Jingli and Liang Lulu for company. The five of them take a dip in the sea during the night.


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Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25

The Recruit Diaries 《阿兵新传》

Following are links of The Recruit Diaries 《阿兵新传》 from xinmsn.
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Thirty years ago, “Army Series “recounted the memorable experiences of being inducted into National Service.
Thirty years later, the second generation recruits are going to retrace the footsteps taken by their predecessors.


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Episode 12
Episode 13

National Day Parade 2013 (国庆庆典2013)

Following are links of National Day Parade 2013 (国庆庆典2013) from xinmsn.
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Everyone has a story to tell and these stories define who we are as an individual and collectively as a nation. This year’s theme for the National Day Parade (NDP) 2013 is “Many Stories… One Singapore”. It calls on everyone to remember and share the stories that make us who we are and how we identify ourselves as Singaporeans.
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National Day Parade 2013 (国庆庆典2013)

Love @ Risk 《爱情风险》

Following are links of Love @ Risk 《爱情风险》 from xinmsn.
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The story begins at an old market with a history that goes back more than two decades. Wu Qishan (Tay Ping Hui), a stallholder selling fruits, is an ordinary “uncle” and a maths whiz. He never makes mistakes in calculating the prices of his fruits and he can solve any mathematical problems. The stallholders in the market nicknamed him “573”. In his spare time, Qishan helps out at his mother’s (Xiang Yun) vegetable stall but she is cold towards him. It turns out that Qishan was previously holding a senior position at a finance company. At the age of 30, he became a high flyer in his field. Subsequently, Qishan sets up his own investment company. He identifies an investment product and manages to pull in a number of clients. However, short of $500,000, he discusses with his parents to mortgage their house to secure a loan for him. Both of them reject the idea. As Qishan is full of confidence in himself, he cons his father into signing the mortgage documents and invests the loan obtained.

故事从一个20多年历史老巴刹开始,卖水果的伍戚山(郑斌辉)看起来就像个平凡的大叔,但是他的算数很好,水果价钱从不算错,什么计算难题都难不倒他,巴刹的人都叫他573。戚山有空就到他的母亲石三妹(向云) 的菜摊帮忙,但是石三妹就是不理他。
不料,戚山一切算尽,却算不到公司合伙人,他的女朋友陆慧婷(潘淑钦)会卷款而逃。戚山欠下两百万元债务,不但破产,还要坐牢。伍爸知道屋子被抵押大受打击,病发入院逝世。石三妹因此对戚山非常不谅解。戚山出狱后找石三妹,但被赶出家门。巴刹鸡王的儿子王理安(张耀栋),因为是戚山的好朋友,所以收留他。 自从慧婷离开后,戚山经常到“狗乐窝”(一家私人的流浪狗收容中心)探望慧婷的外公。一次,戚山和慧婷的狗出了意外,是一名常到狗乐窝照顾狗儿的女义工帮忙送狗去诊所。戚山看着她留下的手巾,对手巾的主人感到好奇。

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Episode 19
Episode 20

Laughing Out Loud 《笑笑没烦恼》

Following are links of Laughing Out Loud 《笑笑没烦恼》 from xinmsn.
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Episodes: 30
Outdoor comedy series on social/family/relationship issues
Characters within the Programme:
1. Link Characters
2. Gag Characters
Link Characters
These characters will have their respective family members who will from time to time appear in links (or gag VTs) to bring across viewpoints from the different age groups (young, middle-aged and the elderly).
There will be 3 link characters. They have known each other since young. After they grew up, they have their own goals in life. Every Monday, they will gather to chit-chat or rant about life. The gathering point will be coffee-shop, community centre or Speaker’s Corner at Hong Lim Park.
Jin Yin Xi (Yeo Yann Yann)
Female, 32, ’A’ levels, ex-air stewardess, ex-model, ex-teacher, currently employed as a freelance research writer. Future ‘career path’ could be businesswoman, MP, lawyer etc
Is a worrier + kan jeong spider + indignant about the world. Regardless of what new policies the government may come up with, she will view it with much skepticism.
Perfectionist. If she discovers her work environment is flawed, she will leave her job (hence she is also a job hopper)
Feels that she is always right, others are always wrong. Men shun her as she is too strong-headed (aside from Jia Fu Gui and Huang Xiao Ming) However, if you do not go against her wishes, she could still be your friend.
Huang Xiao Ming (Dennis Chew)
Male, 32 years old, ‘O’ levels, currently helps out at his uncle’s Chinese medicine hall, his motto in life “Just be happy”.
Happy-go-lucky character to a point that he lacks a goal in life (or so claimed Jia Fu Gui)
His idol is Mark Lee and he believes that he will succeed as long as he has talent.
Loves to do part-time for extra income. Likes to be a calefare (He claims he is an artiste with special contract). Even though the station does not pay much for a calefare, he doesn’t mind since he can get “first-hand” juicy gossips.
Jia Fu Gui (Alaric Tay)
Male, 30 years old, Single (has a girlfriend), University Graduate, Financial Consultant, typical working professional
Carefully mapped out his life: Establish his career at 25, possess a car at 28, get married and own a flat at 30.
Frequently update his bank passbook and showoff his assets. Claimed that he is an expert at managing his finances, in actual fact he is just a penny-pincher.
Likes to pretend to be cultured when he talks, he has loads of theories but he is just repeating the same old stories.
The only friends he has are Huang Xiao Ming and Jin Yin Xi.
Gag Characters
Chua En Lai, Quan Yifeng, Kym Ng , Lee Teng, Vivian Lai, Jeremy Chan, Ben Yeo, Jin Yin Ji, Lina Ng, Sora Ma, Yeo Yann Yann, Alaric Tay
Each will take on 2 to 3 characters and will appear in different VT gags.
Guest Appearances
Guest artistes will also star in every episode to create little surprises, eg Nat Ho, Dr Jiajia, etc.
In every episode, there will be discussions on social issues. Examples of topics include inflation, rising costs of HDB flats, 6.9 million population, local transport woes, ageing population, foreign talent, baby bonus, customer service, hawker centre culture, etc,
喜欢当“咖喱啡” (自称“特约”-特别邀约),虽然电视台给的钱不多,但他乐在其中,因为可知多一点八卦
贾富贵(郑良雄 (Alaric Tay)饰演)
权怡凤、鐘琴、李腾、赖怡伶、杨志龙、蔡恩来(Chua En Lai)、金银姬、黄嫊方、田铭耀(Jeremy)、马艺瑄、杨雁雁、郑良雄各别扮演2-3个固定角色,因应需要而出现在不同的Gag中。
每一集也将出现不同的艺人或名人扮演小角色制造惊喜,如鹤天赐(Nat Ho),Dr Jiajia,等。
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Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30

The Dream Makers 《志在四方》

Following are links of The Dream Makers 《志在四方》 from xinmsn.
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Television Variety head Zhou Wei Yun and Drama Queen Zhu Kang Li are frenemies that vie to top the viewership charts. Newbie Zhao Fei Er receives a role with many lines for the first time, she is excited yet perplexed. Her boyfriend Jason gives her encouragement to settle her mixed feelings. ‘Ah Jie’ Xie Liu Xin gets injured in the course of filming. Zhu Kang Li changes the script which allows Fei Er more opportunities to perform.As Liu Xin is hurt, Fei Er and other female artistes are called last minute to go on variety show “True Words”. Every female artiste dolls herself up, except Fei Er who chooses to dress plainly, and even wears a pair of torn heels. The host Yu Fan incites that she is using underhand methods to attract attention. However, the audience believes that Fei Er did not lie to them...
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Episode 18
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Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
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Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30

Point Of Entry 3

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Point of Entry is an action drama about an elite team of ICA special agents, and their fight to keep Singapore’s borders safe from smuggling and illegal immigration by land, sea and air.
This action-packed series explore both the motivations of the team, and the personal desperation of the offenders. Each episode is inspired by an exciting real-life case, and the valiant efforts of the ICA to protect the integrity of Singapore’s borders from those who would desecrate them.
Team: Epsilon is the ICA’s special operations team, consisting of officer-scholar Glenn, military sharpshooter Vivian, parkour specialist Dynesh, computer genius Norah, and veteran operative Cheong. Little do they know, that the seemingly unconnected border crimes are actually the handiwork of a deadly syndicate…
Season 1: 20episodes
Season 2: 17episodes
Season 3: 17episodes
Webisodes: 17episodes x 3minutes
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Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18

I'm In Charge 《小子当家》

Following are links of I'm In Charge 《小子当家》 from xinmsn.
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This is a 20-episode drama about a youth who has to shoulder the duty of being the man of the house while his mother is hospitalised. Not only does the boy have to support the family, he also must bear the responsibility of looking after his young brother and sister. The story underscores the value of familial love and the need for young people to be independent and to have a sense of responsibility.
这是一部长 20 集,以一成长中的少年在母亲住院期间,肩负起“当家”的任务,不仅要“持家”,还要负起照顾弟妹的责任,从中带出亲情的可贵,年轻人要独立和有责任感的信息。
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Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20

Remembering Huang Wenyong

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Remembering Huang Wenyong
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Remembering Huang Wenyong: Remembering Huang Wenyong
Star Awards 2013 Show 2 : Honorary Award - Huang Wenyong
A Tribute to Huang Wen Yong! 黄文永 '红星大奖' 全纪录!
Frontline 2013: Frontline Episode 4
Tribute to Huang Wen Yong - Artistes Part 1
Tribute to Huang Wen Yong- Artistes Part 2

Star Awards 2013 - Singapore 《红星大奖2013》

Following are links of Star Awards 2013 - 红星大奖2013 from xinmsn.
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Star Awards 2013, the most anticipated event in the local entertainment scene, will be held in April.Show 1 on 21 April 2013, broadcast live from the MediaCorp TV Theatre, will acknowledge the people behind our iconic productions. These include technical and professional awards such as Best Director, Best Variety Research Writer etc. Show 1 will also give out awards determined entirely by online voting, including Favourite Male Character, Favourite Female Character, Favourite On-Screen Couple, Favourite Host and BottomSlim Sexiest Legs Award.
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Show 1
Show 2

Hebe [To My Love] Singapore Concert 2012 田馥甄 [To My Love] 新加坡演唱会 2012

Following are links of Hebe [To My Love] Singapore Concert 2012 田馥甄 [To My Love] 新加坡演唱会 2012 from xinmsn.
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Hebe [To My Love] Singapore Concert 2012
田馥甄 [To My Love] 新加坡演唱会 2012
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Power Station [Moving On] World Tour Concert 2013 - Singapore 动力火车《超越巅峰 继续转动》巡回演唱会-新加坡站

Following are links of Power Station [Moving On] World Tour Concert 2013 - Singapore 动力火车《超越巅峰 继续转动》巡回演唱会-新加坡站 from xinmsn.
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Power Station [Moving On] World Tour Concert 2013 - Singapore stop
动力火车《超越巅峰 继续转动》巡回演唱会-新加坡站
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Start Up! 《创!》

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From the Co-Director of the highly acclaimed TV series, THE PUPIL, 创! Start Up! is a story set on the premises of entrepreneurship and tech start-up companies. It charts the journey of a budding entrepreneur, Yin Xuan (Rebecca Lim), who fights to succeed despite disapproval from her family. She works alongside Qi Cai (Tay Ping Hui), who goes all out to assist her in her business start-up. With sudden implications of an accident that happened 12 years ago, will Yin Xuan succeed or lose her love ones to the emotional battle? Packed with harsh realism and sensational face-offs, this drama is set to hook viewers when it debuts on Channel U on 28 March 2013.
Cast: Tay Ping Hui, Rebecca Lim, Zhang Zhen Huan, Kate Pang, Adeline Lim, Zhu Houren, Xiang Yun
《创!》是U频道首次与制作THE PUPIL的WOOSH PICTURES PRODUCTIONS打造的全新风格作品, 故事描述几个年轻人创业时遇到的血腥风雨, 间中穿插了亲情, 友情与爱情的纠结,让他们面临重重考验。 刚刚大学毕业的殷萱(林慧玲饰演),满怀希望,一心想创业。只是面对家人的反对以及社会的压力,她会成功吗? 一路协助她的奇才(郑斌辉饰演)会不离不弃吗?正当一切看似顺利时,一场12年前发生的车祸将迎来一场暴风雨,让一切都得改变。 创业道路坎坷,朝夕起落。有者报复,有者破坏,有者逃避,有者迷惘。《创!》将创出一条崭新的道路,就在这个3月28日,U频道。
演员: 郑斌辉, 林慧玲, 张振寰, 庞蕾馨, 林赞银, 朱厚任, 向云
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Break Free 《曙光》

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Four men leave prison, each facing an uncertain future – The first one, Li Tian Ming, had been a hot headed and emotional man who owned a moving company. He was originally leading a happy and contented life, not knowing that his wife, Huang Hai Tang, was having an affair with her qigong master, Wang Xiao Tian. Then, his sister, Li Chun Li, ganged up with her husband, Xiong Zheng Hui, to cheat their mother of her life savings. Thus the siblings became bitter enemies. Once, in a fight, Li Tian Ming accidently chopped Xiong Zheng Hui’s hand, and was sentenced to jail. Just before he was released, he received news that his mother had passed away, and that his wife was asking for a divorce. Li Tian Ming had suddenly lost everything, including his house and daughter, to Wang Xiao Tian.
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Episode 14
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Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30

96°C café 《96°C咖啡》

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Nestled in a small lane in Singapore is a little-known café called 96°C. Former IT engineer, Liqiao, 28, a photography buff runs the café with his wife, Xijie, 26, a dessert chef.
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Webisode 1
Webisode 2
Webisode 3
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Webisode 6
Webisode 7
Webisode 8

======Following are the Channel 8 drama links=======
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
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Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Ending 1
Ending 2

Marry Me 《我要嫁出去》

Following are links of Marry Me 《我要嫁出去》 from xinmsn.
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When love arrives, happiness can be very simple. Everyone likes to give a nickname to middle-aged single ladies. As more women become equally/more educated than men, is marrying late or not at all, a choice? Or is it a trend?
当爱情来的时候,幸福原来很简单。 剩女、拜犬。。。大家都乐此不疲地给未婚大龄女冠上各种 ‘雅号’。随着社会上,越来越多女尊男卑的现象,迟婚/不婚,对女人而言,究竟是一种选择,还是一种无奈? 又或者是一种流行趋势?
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Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13

CLIF 2 《警徽天职 2》

Following are links of CLIF 2 《警徽天职 2》 from xinmsn.
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Neighbourhood Police Station Team Leader Liao Xin Yi (Joanne Peh) becomes the target of a hostage situation while out on patrol. Specialised Crimes Branch’s Senior Investigation Officer Huang Zhi Jie (Rui En) finds herself embroiled in the same situation after returning from an overseas assignment. The two female officers find themselves facing a perilous situation involving an out-of-control gunman in a bustling shopping mall. With a large team of officers behind them, they must control the situation and protect themselves and everyone around. Senior Investigation Officer Tang Yao Jia (Qi Yuwu) discovers a highly decomposed body of a woman in the woods while raiding illegal gambling dens. Head of Forensic Management, Wei Lan Tian (Li Nanxing) and Huang Zi Jie comb the surrounding area for evidence. Incriminating evidence all point to Chen Yuqi – Wei Lan Tian’s ex-wife. In the midst of helping her, he causes a rift between Zhi Jie and Zhao Guo Huang (Andie Chen)...
邻里警局队长廖心怡(白薇秀)巡逻时,成了被袭击的目标。特别罪案调查队队长黄芷婕(瑞恩)从国外办案回来,也卷入这一场在热闹商场持枪挟持人质的危机当中,身历险境。两名女警在枪嘴下,面对失控的枪手,必须保护人质,保护自己,大队警员出动,尽全力化解这个对峙的局面。 警署高级调查官唐耀佳(戚玉武)扫荡非法赌档时,在树林发现高度腐烂的女尸。法证管理组队长魏蓝天(李南星)和黄芷婕到现场搜查凶手散落在树林里的罪证。证物处处指向刘震伟,震伟是蓝天前妻陈玉琪的丈夫。蓝天为了帮助玉琪,却使芷婕和国煌产生了队长和队员之间的摩擦。 赵国煌(陈邦鋆)查案时,过于遵守条规,国煌的未婚妻在雨夜里惨遭蒙面人用利刃杀害,他因破案心切,反而违反了警察条规,私自进行调查,与芷婕的关系变得更尖锐…
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Episode 19
Episode 20

Its a Wonderful Life 《好运到》

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Hao Huixian is a selfish, penny-pinching miser. He is always pretending to be poor so that his neighbours will not borrow money from him. Huixian and his ex-wife have a son, Hao Fuqi, a singing star. Huixian later married Amy who also has a son, Gu Zhiji, from her first marriage. Although Zhiji and Amy had been living in Huixian’s home since he was 12, the boy has never accepted his stepfather. Zhiji finally moved out to live on his own when he was in Pre-U 1.
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Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20

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